I Did It! I Did It!

by Mona Seeta

The school my children attend is called a Title One school. This means that extra classes in reading and math are provided for kids who need that extra help.

To be accepted into the Title One program, tests are given ... If a student scores low enough, he or she is placed in the extra class.

Then, a few times each week, the student leaves the regular classroom and goes down the hall to another class where teachers and assistants help that child in whatever area he or she is having trouble in.

When the child does really well, the child is rewarded big time. This is to reinforce the idea that when you work hard and learn something, you will receive a treat or something of value.

Which bring me to today.

Today, my daughter, Kelly Sue, who is a third grader, ran into our house screaming, "I did it! I did it! I got in Title One class!"

"What?" I said, in shock.

"I been trying to get in there since first grade," she said, "and I finally figured out how to do it. FAIL THE TEST!"

"Oh, my goodness!" I said, holding onto my chair. "Why in the world would you want to do that?"

"Cause," she sang and danced around the room, "now, I get candy, too!"

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What are we Teaching our Children?
by: Lynda

Thanks for your story ...

It's really cute AND - at the same time - a little disturbing to me.

As a retired teacher, it makes me wonder ... What are we teaching our children?

We don't ever want anyone - at any age - to feel as though they must FAIL before they are rewarded.

I believe SOME ADULTS in our society already take advantage of this.

As children mature, they will - hopefully - become satisfied with intrinsic rewards.

But young children do become concerned when they see their classmates return from special classes with treats and rewards.

Is that really fair? Isn't there another option for when and where those students can enjoy their gifts?

I hope educators will take note of this!

In the meantime, your young daughter is really smart! She figured out how to beat the system ... Now, to UNTEACH her this lesson. LOL

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